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Lorenz Jäger (MSc, Bsc. In Software Engineering and Business Managment) is working as a Senior Software Engineer for U-Render. Previously he has worked as a XR Developer for Golem Digital and as a project assistant, researcher and software engineer at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG) at the Technical University of Graz (TU-Graz). His master thesis was a collaboration with the University of Oslo (UiO) and dealt with real-time High Dynamic Range image processing on large panoramic Images in CUDA(Link). He worked on Project Magellan, where he focuses on connecting Augmented Reality (AR) experiences with Virtual Reality(VR) in a collaborative environment under the supervision of Dieter Schmalstieg and Denis Kalkofen. His interests lie both in Computer Vision as well as Graphics with a focus on real-time applications and games. On the side he collaborates on various video games (SoP, Gentlemen, smaller experiments) and is participating in the local game development scene with GameDevGraz(GDG) as a comitee member.